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DAY 10: Morning Yoga with Karine

MANOMAYA kosha: Mana means mind. It is the level of processing thoughts and emotions. It is in direct control of the operation, through the prana, of the physical body and senses. It is like a supervisor in a factory, in that it gives instructions, but is not supposed to be the manager of the factory of life. Because of this, it naturally has doubts, and created illusions. When it receives clear instructions from the deeper level, it functions quite well. However, when it is clouded over by its illusions, the deeper wisdom is clouded over. After taking care of the physical body and training the energy flow of prana, the most important part to be trained in positive ways is this level of mind. In meditation, we become aware of Manamaya kosha, explore it, and then go inward, to and through the remaining koshas.

MANAMAYA kosha: the emotional body, consisting of the mind relating to our everyday living and our individual interpretation of life.

MANAMAYA kosha: the emotional body, consisting of the mind relating to our everyday living and our individual interpretation of life.

April 18

DAY 9: Sunday Evening Shenanigans

April 20

DAY 11: Blast Workout with Mochi